Lectures and Teaching
International Academic Talks
Invited talk. UK-Japan Symposium on 2D Materials. University of Cambridge [upcoming - 24.09.2024]
Invited talk. Quantum Materials Group, Diamond Light Source. 17.09.2024.
Invited talk. Optica Quantum Sensing and Metrology Conference, Toulouse, France.
Invited talk. Condensed Matter Quantum Matter, Institute of Physics Conference. 07/2024.
Invited talk. Defects in Solids for Quantum Technologies, Budapest. 06/2024.
Invited seminar. Quantum Technologies and Foundations Group, University of Surrey. 05/2024.
Invited seminar. National Physical Laboratory, London. 05/2024.
Invited talk. Materials Research Seminar. Seattle 04/2024.
Invited seminar. Rank symposium, The Lake District. 04/2024.
Invited talk. University of Lancaster. 03/2024.
Invited talk. Matter and Light for Quantum Computing (ML4C). Invited seminar.
Invited talk. University of Sheffield Winter School. 01/2024.
Invited talk. Spin Meeting, University of Manchester. 01/2024.
Invited research seminar, University of Warwick, 12/2023.
Invited research seminar, Physical Chemistry Lecture Series, University of Oxford, 12/2023.
Invited talk. Quantum Dot Day. University of Manchester. 09/2023.
Invited talk. Future Leaders Network for Quantum Energy Conversion. 07/2023.
Invited talk. TMD, Cambridge, UK. 06/2023.
Invited talk. BIOMAG, Denmark. 06/2023.
Contributing talk. BNW2023 ~ Inaugural workshop on Boron Nitride. Montpellier, France, 06/2023.
Invited research seminar, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, 03/2023.
Invited talk. Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (AMN) 10, Rotorua, New Zealand, 02/2023.
Research seminar, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, UK 09/2022.
Research seminar, Quantum Engineering Labs, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK, 09/2022.
Invited research seminar, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, 06/2022.
Invited talk. SPIE Photonic West OPTO, San Francisco, USA, 01/2022. (unable to attend and presented by Simone Eizagirre Barker).
MRS Boston virtual presentation, 12/2021.
Invited research seminar, Hitachi Laboratory Cambridge, 11/2021.
International conference on defects in semiconductors, 03/2021. Virtual contributing talk.
Invited seminar to the Trinity College Fellows, 03/2019.
Invited research seminar at the University of Sheffield, 02/2019.
Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (AMN) 9, Rotorua, New Zealand, 02/2019. Contributing talk.
Invited research seminar, CAM-IES, University of Cambridge, UK, 09/2018.
Gordon Research Seminar, New Hampshire, USA, 07/2018. Contributing talk.
Invited research seminar, University of California, Berkeley, 06/2018.
Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (AMN) 8, Queenstown, New Zealand, 02/2017. Contributing talk.
MRS Phoenix, 04/2018. Contributing talk.
Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (AMN) 7, Nelson, New Zealand, 02/2015. Contributing talk (best student presentation).
Singlet Fission Workshop, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 2014. Contributing talk.
BNW2023 ~ Inaugural workshop on Boron Nitride. Montpellier, France, 06/2023.
Interview for Physics World, 2024. image: IOP
Science Outreach
Interview with Physics World at the IOP Celebration of Physics, 06/2024. Online article.
Femincam: Women in Electronic Materials, Cambridge, 09/2023
'How to apply for a research fellowship'. Winton-Kavli Workshop. 07/2023
'Materials for Quantum Technology'. Cambridge Sixth Form Lecture Series. 12/2022
Research Seminar to Trinity College Alumni. 12/2020
University and College Teaching
I am a Tutorial Fellow at Trinity College Oxford, where I tutor the fundamental of Materials Science including the electronic, optical and magnetic properties of materials, quantum theory, crystal diffraction, semiconductor materials and devices, thermodynamics and nanomaterials.